SheDecides Open House in Kampala - She Decides


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SheDecides Open House in Kampala

30th October 2017

In October 2017, Friends of the movement convened an “inspiring, visionary and interactive” Open House in Kampala to celebrate the International Day of the Girl, under the theme “When SheDecides, the World is Safer, Stronger and Better”.

Attendees included young people, civil society organisations as well as community and political leaders from across Uganda.

The Hon. Minister Anna Ebaju Adeke, Member of Parliament and representative of the National Female Youth Constituency participated in the Open House. Echoing the rallying cry of young people in the room, Minister Adeke called on the Ugandan government to expand access to quality and youth friendly sexual and reproductive health information and services. She also called for a revamp of the justice system to better serve and protect the rights of women who have suffered sexual and gender based violence.

The event was co-organised by Uganda Youth and Adolescents Health Forum in partnership with the Uganda Parliamentary Forum on Youth Affairs, Uganda Women Association for Parliamentarians, RHRN Uganda Platform and National Population Council.