More attention for the freedom of choice. Dutch feminists in action - She Decides


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More attention for the freedom of choice. Dutch feminists in action

28th February 2020

Feminist and friend of Rutgers, Justine van de Beek, started to think about her own freedom of choice, when she realised how easily she can get the pill in the Netherlands.

Are Dutch women taking their right to decide for themselves whether to have children or not, for granted?

As a result, Justine feels even more concerned with women in other countries, where contraceptives are not available at all and where there is a lack of information. She shares her story on the new website. In addition, Naomi Felesita and Alexander Spoor discuss the freedom of choice of women worldwide with Dutch women in their podcast episodes.

In an interview with SheDecides initiator in the Netherlands, Lilianne Ploumen, makes a personal appeal:

"You can be of great significance. Continue to speak out about the vital right to decide yourself! I hope that women in the Netherlands feel that it is okay to say 'No' or'Yes' whenever they want. I also hope that when having said 'Yes', they will protect themselves well. If you are considering an abortion or if you have had an abortion: do not be ashamed. You are in a difficult situation, so go to your family doctor or an abortion clinic and discuss it. They are there for you. And do not forget: you are the one who decides."