SheDecides Announces the Support Unit’s New Champion Advisor! - She Decides


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SheDecides Announces the Support Unit’s New Champion Advisor!

9th October 2019

SheDecides is proud to announce the latest addition to the Support Unit! Meet Muriel, the SheDecides Champion Advisor.

Muriel joins the Support Unit from the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), where she led external stakeholder and policy engagement for the Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence (GAGE) programme. Prior to ODI she worked in the Policy Division of UN Women in New York, where she worked to create the Youth SWAP – the precursor to the current UN youth strategy (#Youth2030) and mainstreaming youth across UN Women’s wider portfolio – amongst other things.

Muriel is passionate about inclusion and empowerment; intersectionality and difference; human rights and gender equality. She holds a PhD in Government and Gender; an MSc in Political Theory and a BSc (Hons) in Sociology – all from the London School of Economics.

"Our leaders and champions are key in amplifying the voices on the ground – ensuring messages are heard and reflected in the narratives and legislative frameworks within which we operate, and unlocking the resources needed to make these demands a reality. I look forward to supporting SheDecides Champions and Friends to Stand Up, Speak Out; to Change the Rules and to Unlock Resources so that women and girls everywhere are able to make decisions on their bodies, their lives and their futures." - Muriel Kahane

Muriel will be the focal point for global SheDecides Champions, advising, supporting and growing the network as they continue to take action to create a world where SheDecides. You can reach her easily at