PRESS RELEASE: World Leaders Urge Action to Address Unsafe Abortion Crisis - She Decides


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PRESS RELEASE: World Leaders Urge Action to Address Unsafe Abortion Crisis

1st November 2024

PRESS RELEASE: World Leaders Urge Action to Address Unsafe Abortion Crisis

London, November 1

  • The governments of Belgium, Canada, Colombia, France, Germany, Nepal, Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom are urging global leaders to uphold access to safe abortion as a fundamental human right.
  • Their statement underscores the urgent need to address the global public health crisis caused by unsafe abortions, which account for 33 million abortions annually.
  • This global call to action comes at a time of heightened attention on abortion rights.

Ten governments are among 40 leading health and gender equality experts including politicians, health organisations, activists, women’s rights and youth groups from across the world who have endorsed the SheDecides Safe Abortion Statement. This global call urges peer governments and international development leaders to recognise and protect abortion care as essential healthcare. With reproductive rights high on the political agenda, the statement highlights the urgent need for unwavering commitment to access safe and legal abortion worldwide.

The Statement, released on International Safe Abortion Day and signed by ministries from Belgium, Canada, Colombia, France, Germany, Nepal, Norway, The Netherlands, Sweden, and the United Kingdom emphasises the importance of safe abortion as a human right and a prerequisite for gender equality and sustainable development.

"The foundation of a fair and gender equal world for all is the right to decide about our own bodies," the statement reads. "No person should be forced to carry an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy to term or die due to pregnancy or childbirth."

It also highlights the devastating consequences of unsafe abortion, accounting for approximately 33 million abortions each year.

The statement goes on: “We have seen what happens when this essential healthcare is denied to people, with devastating consequences on the lives of women and young people. And we know that restricting abortions doesn't stop them from happening, it just pushes them underground and forces pregnant people to find unsafe methods of ending their pregnancy.”

The statement calls on governments and international development leaders to take concrete steps to:

  • Protect abortion care as essential healthcare: Ensure that abortion services are recognised as a vital part of reproductive healthcare.
  • Remove barriers to accessing services: That prevents people from accessing safe abortion care.
  • Stop the spread of misinformation: Counter harmful and inaccurate information about abortion and reproductive rights.
  • Combat stigma: Address negative attitudes and biases surrounding abortion and ensure that all individuals are treated with respect and dignity.

The SheDecides Champions and allies believe that by taking these actions, governments can significantly improve the health and well-being of women and girls worldwide.

Memory Zonde-Kachambwa, Executive Director FEMNET, and Chair of SheDecides Guiding Group says: "The evidence is clear: access to safe abortion services saves women’s lives. Without it, millions of people continue to suffer from the consequences of unsafe abortion. It’s time for Governments to fulfill their global commitments to reproductive rights and protect the health and well-being of women - our lives depend on it."

Karin Nilsson, Executive Director, SheDecides: “Even in these times of pushback, the overwhelming political support for safe abortion from experts around the world demonstrates the enduring strength of the pro-choice movement. We remain steadfast in our commitment to reproductive rights and the right of all people to be able to decide about their bodies, lives and futures, without question.”

About SheDecides

SheDecides is a global political movement fighting for a world where every woman, girl and young person - in all their diversity - can decide what to do with their body, life and future. Since 2017, the movement has been standing up for the right to choose. SheDecides’ members include governments, civil society organisations, youth leaders, parliamentarians, activists, service providers, researchers, media, artists and donors. The movement brings together leaders in bodily autonomy from Africa, Asia, the Arab Region, Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe and North America. They unite to take collective action and to speak out for bodily autonomy and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) for all.

Access and read the full SheDecides Champion statement here.