New SheDecides Champions Announced
29th June 2023
We are delighted to welcome four new SheDecides Champions to the movement, each committing to taking action so women and girls everywhere can decide about their bodies, lives and future. Read more about them here.
Franz Fayot
Minister for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs, Luxembourg
“Being a SheDecides Champion means empowering women and girls in all their diversity to exercise their rights and make autonomous decisions about their bodies and lives - free from coercion, violence, and discrimination. As a fundamental right, bodily autonomy is essential for ensuring personal freedom, dignity and self-expression. When women and girls are given the means to assert their rights to autonomy and self-determination, not only they, but entire communities will benefit from a more equal and sustainable development”

Mariona Borrell Arrasa
President, Federation of Medical Students’ Associations and SheDecides Champion
"Being a SheDecides Champion means taking a stand against gender inequality, advocating for access to comprehensive sexuality education, and championing the right to make autonomous decisions about one's own body and reproductive choices. As a SheDecides Champion, you have the responsibility to inspire and mobilize fellow medical students to join the movement, amplifying the voices of those marginalized and advocating for policy changes that prioritize and protect the rights of all individuals, regardless of gender or background."

Eunice Garcia
President, Youth Coalition
"Being a SheDecides Champion is an opportunity to show how powerful, resilient & caring youth leadership can be in the fight for bodily autonomy for all!
It means approaching work from an anti-oppressive lens, dismantling systems of oppression - like sexism, ageism, racism, colonialism & others- that limit the engagement of young people in advocacy spaces."

Ayelén Mazzina
Minister for Women, Genders and Diversity, Government of Argentina
"SheDecides calls us to defend the dignified life, health and freedom of women and LGBTI+ around the world. Building more just societies is only possible in a network. It is an honor to be part of it".