Meet Karin Nilsson! - She Decides


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Meet Karin Nilsson!

20th September 2021

Today Karin joins the SheDecides Support Unit as Lead, and brings with her feminist power and passion to lead the growth of the SheDecides movement.

Profile picture of Karin Nilsson

To the SheDecides movement,

I’m honoured and very happy to join SheDecides as SDSU Lead and to support the growth of this amazing global movement that’s boldly Standing Up and Speaking Out for bodily autonomy.

The journey the movement has made since jointly standing up against the Global Gag Rule has really been incredible. I would like to acknowledge the fantastic work of Naisola Likimani as previous SDSU Lead, and the committed activists, organisers and champions in the movement, in building and guiding this important global push for change.

This is a really exciting time for me to join SheDecides and the Support Unit, with the newly-launched Spark Grants that will support powerful feminist organizing around bodily autonomy and sexual and reproductive rights around the world.

We have an increased focus on youth-led change and new youth accountability measures for global commitments, as well as for the movement.

We are sharpening our strategy to align to our Theory of Change to ensure we achieve the changes we aspire to in the next five years, including to strategically confront rights backlashes and opposition, and build positive support amongst new audiences and communities.

The breadth and diversity of this extraordinary platform for sexual and reproductive health and rights across the world is what brought me to SheDecides. My feminist commitment and passion to advance the rights of women and girls, in all their diversity, is a key driver of my work. That’s why I’m so excited to bring my technical and strategic knowledge on how to build support, drive commitment and making the links between local, national, regional and global level for bodily autonomy, to support your activism and guide the new movement strategy.

In my 16 years of experience in international development cooperation, I’ve developed a strong track record on advancing gender equality and sexual and reproductive health and rights across regions. I’ve worked with diverse people and groups – from grassroots, youth and civil society organizations to governments and UN agencies - in global advocacy and international policy development, movement building and programme implementation. I’m delighted to be part of a movement that brings together people from across all those sectors and spheres with one common goal: demanding her right to decide.

I believe that we are at a critical moment to support each other and jointly act for change – NOW. We all need to connect, collaborate and unite, to Stand Up and Speak Out for bodily autonomy. I look forward to working with you, the movement, to ensure we are together creating a world where SheDecides. Without question.