Leaders! Commit to #HerFuture at COP26 - She Decides


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Leaders! Commit to #HerFuture at COP26

29th October 2021

COP26 – the Climate Change Conference – starts on Sunday 31 October. Discussions and agreements made there should shape the way we respond to the climate emergency as a global community.

Sexual and reproductive health and rights must be at the heart of that response.

We know that climate change seriously impacts a wide range of sexual and reproductive health and rights particularly for women, girls and other marginalised communities.

Sexual health services are disrupted or destroyed after extreme weather events like floods and droughts.

Rates of sexual and gender-based violence increase when people are displaced in disasters.

Early, forced and child marriage rates increase when families are displaced and livelihoods are lost.

We also know that sexual and reproductive health and rights are a critical part of making changes to adapt and grow resilience to our changing climate.

SheDecides is part of the SRHR and Climate Justice Coalition. Along with the Women and Gender Constituency, it has set out five recommendations for parties at COP26 to demonstrate their commitment to sexual and reproductive health and rights.

  • Apply a human rights and social-justice based approach to climate action that includes the full range of SRHR

  • Commit robust and feminist financing for the climate and SRHR intersection

  • Ensure SRHR is integrated into specific UNFCCC Gender Action Plan activities

  • Engage girls and women, in all their intersecting identities, and youth- and gender-focused organizations in climate processes

  • Continue raising awareness on the intersections between climate change and SRHR

  • Read the full brief from the Women and Gender Constituency and the SRHR & Climate Justice Coalition.