Consultancy Opportunity: Communications Agency Required to support SheDecides
28th November 2023
The SheDecides Support Unit (SDSU) is looking for a communications agency that shares our passion and purpose to support our communications efforts and amplify SheDecides work and that of our members, showcasing and building support for bodily autonomy and sexual reproductive health and rights for all.
The SheDecides Support Unit requires a communications agency to support with Pillar 3 of the SheDecides Strategic Plan, “Speak Out and Amplify”, to showcase and support the work of champions and allies, reach new audiences and build broader support for sexual reproductive health and rights (SRHR).
We believe that to change attitudes and build support for bodily autonomy, we must use communications to change hearts and minds, directly challenging discriminatory attitudes by building positive stories and spotlighting examples of progress.
We are looking for an agency that can support us with the following areas:

1. Communications and Campaigns
• Working with the Communications Advisor, build a comprehensive Communications Strategy for SheDecides, that supports the SheDecides Strategic Plan, in particular, goal 5 and 6 (pillar 3) of our work. This may also include identifying new strategic creative ideas for bringing our issues to life.
• Developing creative campaign concepts, messaging and assets that support political action including events around key global political moments (such as International Safe Abortion, International Youth Day, CSW/ ICPD+30) or themes.
2. Design and Creative Support
SheDecides has an existing Style and Identity guide. We are looking for support in developing a range of creative assets – including creative artwork, design templates, fundraising tools, event collateral (eg around moment like UNGA/ CSW) and digital content for SheDecides, bringing to life key communication moments and messages through engaging, impactful visuals.
3. Press and Media
• Planning, writing and pitching op-eds and news pieces. We are looking for agencies that have strong connections and close contacts with global media outlets, as well national and regional publications. SheDecides op-eds are often authored by SheDecides Champions, so an understanding of political and feminist framing around bodily autonomy and SRHR is essential.
• Developing a PR strategy that continues to build engagement with Champions, position SheDecides in spaces of influence whilst building awareness and support with new audiences.
For more information including how to apply please download the brief.
Key dates:
• Week commencing 27 November SheDecides Agency tender document circulated.
• Written Submission deadline by Tuesday 19 December.
• Week commencing 8 January Interviews and presentation to SheDecides
• 5 February or sooner Start working with SheDecides
If you are selected for interview, we request that the team members working on the SheDecides account be the ones to attend. We welcome an internationally diverse representation of applicants, with English as a primary working language.