By Lindiwe Zulu, Minister for Social Development, South Africa and Meryame Kitir, Minister for Development Cooperation and Major Cities Policy, Belgium.
for International Safe Abortion Day
September 28th marks International Safe Abortion Day. It is a global moment where activists unite to demand universal access to safe and legal abortion as essential healthcare and as a human right.
Download the Toolkit
The 2022 theme is Abortion in Uncertain Times, which resonates globally as COVID19 and rollbacks on hard won gains, leave people frustrated and at risk.
But during tough times, we have to keep rising up, speaking out and taking action until every person, everywhere has the right to make their own decisions about their body, life and future.

Let's be clear - around the world, attitudes to abortion are shifting and support for bodily autonomy is growing.
Despite setbacks, progress is happening. Governments are passing progressive laws guided by overwhelming medical evidence and public demand to secure abortion as essential health care.
We will not let anti-choice groups curtail our efforts or set the narrative when it comes to our bodies.
Using #RiseUpForAbortionRights we will come together and counter by celebrating our rights and the exciting progress being made worldwide. We are on the right track!

Get involved
Join activists across the globe and speak out for abortion rights this International Safe Abortion Day.
Download the #RiseUpForAbortionRights Toolkit – it contains template social media posts and graphics you can adapt and use to raise awareness and inspire others.
Remember to use #RiseUpForAbortionRights and tag @SheDecidesGFI in your posts.

Why we use the colour green?
In recognition of the urgency of the cause and as a salute to our sisters, the inspiring abortion rights activists of Latin America, #RiseUpForAbortionRights will invoke the colour of the Green Tide for Legal and Safe Abortion, and help to take it worldwide.
Statement from the SheDecides movement: Roe v Wade
24th June 2022
The United States Supreme Court decision to reverse Roe v Wade and roll back 50 years of safe abortion access is a catastrophic blow that will impact millions.
17th June 2020