Impact - She Decides


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Download SheDecides Strategic Direction 2022-27

How we drive change

SheDecides convenes, unites and mobilises a diverse group of change makers across the world, to stand up and take action for the right to decide.

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Our new strategy will drive the work of SheDecides between 2022 and 2027. It builds upon our existing contributions and relationships, and shifts us in a new direction, responding to the current crisis in SRHR.

In particular we aim to advance access to safe and legal abortion services, young people’s SRHR and comprehensive sexuality education for all.

Together we will:

  • Counter opposition and advance sexual reproductive health and rights and bodily autonomy for all.
  • Convene and strengthen coordinated political action for the right to decide, including access to safe and legal abortion services and comprehensive sexuality education.
  • Amplify the voices, stories and successes of our  movement members and allies.

Download our Strategy here

Pillar 1 Convene and Strengthen

Building collective power amongst movement members is at the core of SheDecides’ vision and theory of change.

The first pillar of our strategic plan focuses on reinforcing and strategically expanding the SheDecides movement, and forging alliances between movement members and new potential allies.

Goal 1

Solidarity and collective strength is built amongst movement members so that they are able to advance bodily autonomy and SRHR and strategically counter opposition.

Goal 2

Connections between movement members and allies are built and strengthened so that bodily autonomy and SRHR gain broader support.

Pillar 2 Take Political Action

Pillar Two builds on movement strength by coordinating strategic political action amongst movement members and allies. SheDecides will encourage political action by supporting the political leadership of the champion network to take intentional action to advance bodily autonomy and SRHR. At the same time SheDecides will support those often excluded from decision-making spaces, such as young people, to gain access to global advocacy spaces where they can take disruptive direct action to advance their rights.

Goal 3

Political coordination among movement members and allies has increased so that global advocacy around bodily autonomy and SRHR is more impactful.

Goal 4

Global coordination around accountability is supported so that political and financial commitments around bodily autonomy and SRHR are advanced.

Pillar 3 Amplify and Speak Out

If we want to change attitudes and build support for bodily autonomy, we must use communications to change hearts and minds, directly challenging discriminatory attitudes by building positive stories and spotlighting examples of progress. While SheDecides’ voice is one of many, we believe we can have an impact by working through our networks and access points to reach new audiences and challenge old ways of thinking.

Goal 5

SheDecides movement members' collective voice and action is strengthened and amplified through public facing advocacy,so that bodily autonomy and SRHR gain broader support.

Goal 6

Creative media, content and partnership opportunities are created so that movement members and allies can speak out to new, broad global audiences and counter opposition.

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Why now? Why are we needed

Being able to decide when and if to become pregnant is still a global challenge, and millions of people do not have a say in what happens to their bodies. While some great progress has been made around the world, sexual and reproductive rights are being pushed back, made invisible, de-prioritised and defunded.

"We will only achieve gender equality when every person has the right to decide about their body, life and future. Without question."

How we work

Woven through each goal are our three cross-cutting, overarching themes:

  • Intentionally challenging opposition
  • Meaningfully including young people
  • Practicing our intersectional feminist values

Our values

We are:

  • Intersectionally feminist
  • Inclusive
  • Collaborative
  • Honest
  • Bold

Our theory of change:

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