Frances Longley
Chief Executive, FIGO
"As a SheDecides Champion and CEO of the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO), I commit to ensuring bodily autonomy and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). These are front and centre of the work of FIGO and our member societies – professional membership organisations of obstetrics and gynaecology. Together, we continue to take a bold stance on the protection of SRHR as an unequivocal and essential element of the care of women and girls.”

About FIGO
FIGO (The International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics) is the only organisation that brings together professional societies of obstetricians and gynecologists on a global basis.
FIGO is dedicated to the improvement of women's health and rights and to the reduction of disparities in healthcare available to women and newborns, as well as to advancing the science and practice of obstetrics and gynecology.