Enas Dajani
Founder, SLETATE - Palestine
As a new SheDecides Champion, I commit to normalizing the talk on women's sexual and reproductive health and rights in my country, and continuously stand up for women's bodily autonomy, so #SheDecidesHerFuture.

About Enas
Enas Dajani is a social architect, recently founded a social enterprise (SLETATE) which highlights women's sexual and reproductive health and gender equality through exclusive designs of Jewellery. She also works at UNICEF State of Palestine as a Social & Behaviour Change Officer. Enas holds a BSc in Architecture and design from Birzeit University, while she has a track record of certified training courses in SRHR from prestigious institutions; which supported her to enhance her professional career in Behaviour Change with an emphasis on SRHR.
She has led several globally-known youth networks; she was an International Coordinator at Y-PEER International, a regional focal point at the United Nations Major Group for Children and Youth (MGCY), a Country Coordinator to the International Youth Alliance for Family Planning (IYAFP), and a member at the UN Women Gender Innovation Agora (GIA). Enas has contributed to the Nairobi Summit (ICPD +25); she co-organized a session on youth-friendly health services with other regional and international representation.