
Discrimination of sex work, and reproductive health.Engagement
Luna is a queer woman, an International Development graduate and woman’s rights advocate from Adelaide, South Australia. When it comes to taking action for women’s rights and empowerment, Luna brings a wealth of diverse experience.Background
Luna started her journey of working in reproductive health with Birthing Kit Foundation Australia. Inspired by the experience, her undergraduate thesis that followed challenged the World Health Organisation’s paternalistic approach to reproductive healthcare in developing countries. In addition, she also co-published a literature review on the effectiveness of clean birth kits. Meanwhile in 2019, Luna worked in Bhutan for women’s magazine Yeewong, where she directed a youth sexual health campaign.Tell us briefly why you are passionate about being involved with SheDecides?
“I have worked in the sex industry in Australia and am calling for the decriminalisation of all forms of sex work in Australia! 'My body is my own' has been my own daily mantra in the face of adversity, so the SheDecides Manifesto is something that really resonates with me. I, just like the SheDecides Manifesto, want to challenge the patriarchal narrative of women’s rights both in Australia and worldwide. Inherently laden with value judgements, women are so often conceptualised as either bad women or good victims in the human rights discourse. It seems that the only antithesis to condemnation is victimisation and this is too often reflected in policy. There are common unfounded fears that dynamic shifts in women’s autonomy and identity are mutually exclusive from that of culture and tradition or ethics rather than that one may subsume the other. My key ambition is to further intersectional human rights advocacy, and to actually have women re-write their own narrative.”