Emma Artley
Unites States of America

Social media handles:
Facebook : Emma Artley
Instagram : emma_artley
Twitter : emsarts89
Emma is currently the Government Funding Associate at the Centre for Reproductive Rights; a legal non-profit organisation advancing reproductive rights globally. Previously she has worked with UNFPA to raise awareness of child marriage, FGM, and contraception and was a Family Planning Data Intern with the Global Health Fellows Program at USAID.
Emma also has a Masters in Demography and Public Health from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Amazingly, her grandmother, Peggy Curlin, was a ground-breaking leader in family planning, a women’s rights activist and a US delegate to the Cairo Conference, ICPD, in 1994.
Area of interest
Emma is keen to promote and protect the right to safe abortions in the US and globally; to advocate for family planning access for all; to engage with government funders to secure political support and resources for SRHR; raise awareness of gender inequality, maternal mortality and sexual violence in the United States.
Tell us briefly why you are passionate about being involved with SheDecides?
"Young people's health and rights are under threat. Lack of political will, backwards policies, resistance towards sexual and reproductive health and rights and insufficient financial resources are hindering a gender equal and sustainable development for all, particularly for youth. We need to change the mindset of decision makers to listen to what young people need and create policies where our fundamental rights are respected and practiced. Every girl and woman, no matter where she is born, has the right to decide over her body, her life and her future."